MMXV: Cruciamentum - Charnel Passages

September 4th, 2015, Profound Lore

MMXV: Clandestine Blaze - New Golgotha Rising

April 2nd, 2015, Northern Heritage Records

MMXV: Vassafor / Temple Nightside - Call of the Maelstrom

February 23rd, 2015, Iron Bonehead Productions

MMXV: VI - De Praestigiis Angelorum

September 25th, 2015, Agonia Records

MMXV: Aosoth / Order of Orias

October 15th, 2015, World Terror Committee

MMXV: Tyranny - Aeons in Tectonic Interment

September 18th, 2015, Dark Descent Records

MMXV: Malthusian - Below the Hengiform

April 6th, 2015, Invictus Productions

MMXV: Mgła - Exercises in Futility

September 4th, 2015, Northern Heritage Records

MMXV: Bèlkètre - Ryan Èvn-a

July 22nd, 2015, Kaleidarkness

MMXV: Urfaust - Apparitions

January 30th, 2015, Ván Records

MMXV: Acherontas - Ma-Ion (Formulæs of Reptilian Unification)

February 27th, 2015, World Terror Committee